Irish Terrier Pedigree Search
An Internet service provided by Peter Jaspers
It only takes a few simple steps to display your Irish Terrier pedigree.

The COI in the pedigrees is counted on 8 generations with maximal COI, this will include all possible common ancestors found in 8 generations.

This database was compiled by many Irish Terrier folks from all over the world.

As these pedigrees have come from many sources, I cannot take any responsibility for any errors you will find. 
If you see a dog with the wrong information please send corrections to

Copying of data by automated robots or any other means for commercial or online databases or sites without the permission of the site owner is expressly prohibited.

Select the number of generations you will want displayed in the pedigree. For most computer printers printing in Landscape mode, 5 generations is the best choice.
Enter the name, or partial name, of the Irish Terrier to search for.
  • You must provide a full word (not a partial word) for matches to show up; for example, entering "Clair" will find all Irish Terriers whose names contain the word "Clair" but would not find those whose names contain "Claire" or "Clairedelune". For more successful searches, please use a word longer than 3 letters and omit any 's at the end.

If you would like to contribute to the database please submit your information to

Select which database to use:
v.Koudenhoven's database,
more than 31.000 entries.
Click on the "Search Now" button below. This will begin the search.

Copyright © 1998-2004 Alfirin Technologies. All Rights Reserved. 
Also thanks to Breeders Assistand software for the technology to make this site possible.
Page created by: Peter Jaspers van Koudenhoven Irish Terriėrs.